7 December 2007, Nijmegen (NL)

Author Title Download
Michel Boedeltje and Arjan van Hessen In response to your inquiry: Automatic e-mail answer suggestion in a Dutch contact centre PDF
Crit Cremers and Hilke Reckman Exploiting logical forms PDF
Kris Heylen, Yves Peirsman, and Dirk Geeraerts Automatic synonymy extraction: A comparison of syntactic context models PDF
Lieve Macken and Walter Daelemans

Aligning linguistically motivated phrases

Erwin Marsi and Emiel Krahmer Detecting semantic overlap: A parallel monolingual treebank for Dutch PDF
Nelleke Oostdijk Improving the lexical coverage of English compound adjectives in syntactic parsing PDF
Herman Stehouwer and Antal van den Bosch Putting the t where it belongs: Solving a confusion problem in Dutch PDF
Daphne Theijssen, Hans van Halteren, Suzan Verberne, and Lou Boves Features for automatic discourse analysis of